This policy outlines Global Leadership Institute’s (GLI) processes for maintaining high quality human resources and professional development support for staff, in alignment with the GLI Strategic Plan.
In the process of staff performance planning, development and review, GLI will:
· provide staff with appropriate support, time and encouragement to undertake professional development and inductions;
· recognise that staff need to be provided with opportunities to develop knowledge, skills and capabilities that will ensure the achievement of strategic goals, contribute to the achievement of individual aspirations and achieve the required legislative and professional requirements;
· task the HR Manager and delegated supervisors to identify development needs primarily through the annual cycle of planning, development and review;
· expect that staff will be proactive and take responsibility for their own professional development and strive to achieve their full potential;
· involve staff and their respective supervisors in the Planning, Development and Review (PDR) process. The PDR process has been designed to ensure that supervisors and staff are provided with opportunities to set objectives for their own professional development and forward plan a career path through performance review.
The Institute recognises that responsibility for performance and development lies with an individual employee and their supervisor.
The individual employee’s responsibilities are to:
· develop training and development goals that meets the needs of the Institute and each individual in consultation with their supervisor;
· assist with workplace training and development activities which may involve coaching others through on the job training.
The Program Director and supervisors are responsible for:
· discussing development needs with individual employees;
· influencing performance with coaching, mentoring and support;
· providing feedback on performance and potential for career development;
· identify training and development needs through the performance review and development process.
All staff
Key Stakeholder
All staff and students
The PDR process will be:
· positive, transparent and accountable;
· fair to all GLI staff;
· flexible in resolving problems and respond to changing circumstances;
· evidence based;
· documented to include development needs and feedback against agreed objectives;
· be focused to ensure that it improves the capabilities of staff and the Institute to help achieve respective goals and objectives.
At the start of the calendar year, staff members and supervisors will meet to establish and agree on work and development objectives for the year.
If individual objective setting is to take place in an alternative window of time, approval and consultation with the Dean / relevant supervisor is required.
At the end of the year the achievement of the goals that were set out are measured and accordingly a professional development plan is prepared.
Staff Development planning is a consultative process between staff and their supervisor. Training and development needs are normally identified through the annual performance review process. The annual Performance Review will include the completion of a Professional Development Plan. Academic Board will also recommend professional development opportunities for academic staff.
The Academic Dean has responsibility for maintaining staff development activities records of academic staff. The President or delegate has responsibility for maintaining records of academic staff development activities.