Before initiating the following procedures, complainants are encouraged to try to settle any grievance directly with the person(s) concerned.
A complainant should raise their grievance with the respondent as early as possible. At any time while trying to settle the grievance, a complainant or respondent may consult confidentially with anyone they choose.
The informal procedure for the settlement of grievances will not normally be invoked unless the complainant has attempted to settle the grievance directly with the respondent as outlined in the Preliminary Action above.
A complainant may refer the grievance to their supervisor for settlement of the grievance. When a complainant has a grievance against their supervisor the complainant may refer the grievance to their supervisor’s supervisor.
To commence the Informal Procedure the complainant must provide in writing to their supervisor:
a clear statement of the grievance, including the parties to the grievance;
a suggested solution which the complainant believes would settle the grievance. An appropriate solution will focus on achieving a productive working environment or relationship, rather than apportioning blame.
Within 10 working days of receiving the notification of the grievance the supervisor will determine whether the subject matter, prima facie, falls within the definition of a grievance. Where it is determined that the subject matter falls within the definition, the supervisor will:
gather such other information as required to assist with the settlement of the grievance, including providing the respondent with the statement of the grievance and the opportunity to respond and ascertaining a process for settling the grievance that would be acceptable to both parties; and
attempt to settle the grievance by using the process agreed with the parties for settlement through discussion; or arranging counselling; mediation and/or conciliation.
All Staff
Key Stakeholder
All Staff and Students
Before initiating the following procedures, complainants are encouraged to try to settle any grievance directly with the person(s) concerned.
A complainant should raise their grievance with the respondent as early as possible. At any time while trying to settle the grievance, a complainant or respondent may consult confidentially with anyone they choose.
The informal procedure for the settlement of grievances will not normally be invoked unless the complainant has attempted to settle the grievance directly with the respondent as outlined in the Preliminary Action above.
A complainant may refer the grievance to their supervisor for settlement of the grievance. When a complainant has a grievance against their supervisor the complainant may refer the grievance to their supervisor’s supervisor.
To commence the Informal Procedure the complainant must provide in writing to their supervisor:
a clear statement of the grievance, including the parties to the grievance;
a suggested solution which the complainant believes would settle the grievance. An appropriate solution will focus on achieving a productive working environment or relationship, rather than apportioning blame.
Within 10 working days of receiving the notification of the grievance the supervisor will determine whether the subject matter, prima facie, falls within the definition of a grievance. Where it is determined that the subject matter falls within the definition, the supervisor will:
gather such other information as required to assist with the settlement of the grievance, including providing the respondent with the statement of the grievance and the opportunity to respond and ascertaining a process for settling the grievance that would be acceptable to both parties; and
attempt to settle the grievance by using the process agreed with the parties for settlement through discussion; or arranging counselling; mediation and/or conciliation.
Where it is determined that the subject matter of the grievance falls outside the definition of a grievance, the supervisor will advise the complainant accordingly. The supervisor may dismiss a grievance if in the supervisor’s view the grievance is ill-advised, misguided, frivolous, malicious or vexatious.
If the complainant’s supervisor does not supervise the respondent, the supervisor will determine the appropriateness of including the respondent’s supervisor in seeking to settle the grievance, recognising the importance of keeping the grievance as close to the source as possible.
After the conclusion of the informal procedure, the supervisor will write to both the complainant and respondent indicating the outcome of the process and specifying any action that has been agreed by the parties as part of that process.
The formal procedure for the settlement of grievances will not normally be invoked unless the matter has been first referred for settlement under the Informal Procedure, unless the allegation is too serious to be resolved informally.
If settlement of the grievance has not been achieved for any reason, including as a result of a determination by the supervisor that the subject matter falls outside the definition of a grievance or as a result of the grievance being dismissed under the Informal Procedure, a party may seek settlement of the grievance through the Formal Procedure. The Formal Procedure will normally be invoked within 10 working days of:
the supervisor notifying the parties of the outcome of the Informal Procedure or from the date of the conclusion of the unsuccessful mediation and/or conciliation;
receipt of the grievance application, if it is too serious to be resolved informally.
A formal grievance may only be commenced by lodging a grievance application with the Academic Dean for academic matters and the Registrar for operational matters.
Within 20 working days of receipt of the grievance application, the Academic Dean / Registrar must appoint an Investigator to hear the grievance.
The Investigator will, within 20 working days of appointment:
interview both the complainant and respondent and such other persons or seek any further information the Investigator considers necessary and will conduct any investigation in accordance with principles of natural justice;
determine whether the grievance is justified; and
recommend to the Academic Dean / Registrar appropriate action which may include: counselling for either or both parties; arranging for conciliation of the grievance; disciplinary action; or that no further action be taken.
If in the Investigator’s view, the grievance is ill-advised, misguided, frivolous, malicious or vexatious, the Academic Dean will advise the complainant, and where appropriate other parties, in writing of this finding and the reasons for the finding and where appropriate take action in accordance with relevant staff provisions against the complainant. The decision of the Academic Dean / Registrar is the final step in the grievance process and is not open to challenge via any other dispute settling procedures of the Institute.
All persons associated with the informal and formal procedures should maintain confidentiality and only discuss the grievance with those who have responsibility for dealing with the grievance.
The records are retained by the Academic Dean / Registrar for a minimum period of five years.