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Research and Scholarship Policy

This policy outlines Global Leadership Institute’s (GLI) commitment to effective, relevant, and contemporary teaching content by academic staff who are current in their disciplines. It also explains the responsibilities of research students and supervisors.
Boyer Framework: scholarship of discovery, integration, application, and teaching.
Research: systematic and rigorous investigation aimed at the discovery of previously unknown phenomena, the development of explanatory theory and its application to new situations or problems, and the construction of original works of significant intellectual merit.
Scholarship: analysis and interpretation of existing knowledge aimed at improving, through publications, teaching or by other means of communication, the depth of human understanding.
Human research: research about people, including surveys, interviews, observations, testing, accessing personal data or collecting human tissue.
GLI is committed to:
·      training leaders, researchers and organisational improvers in their communities;
·      developing potential future academic staff;
·      offering effective and substantial postgraduate programs and research opportunities for both students and staff;
·      ensuring research adheres to the Code of Conduct Policy and First Nations People’s Education Policy;
·      ensuring that human research minimises any risk of harm and participants are informed of the potential risks and benefits;
·      ensuring all participants in human research participate voluntarily and confidentially;
·      ensuring that human research with children under 18 years old is conducted with the approval of the participants and with the approval of their guardians;
·      ensuring human research demonstrates respect for the welfare, beliefs, cultures and heritage of those involved;
·      ensuring that human research is approved by Research and Scholarship Committee (RSC).
·      RSC is a subcommittee of Academic Board whose primary purpose is the creation of a research and scholarship culture that supports productive outputs and outcomes.
·      RSC establishes, implements and periodically reviews policies which encourage academic staff and students to explore research and scholarly interests including:
–        dialoguing with colleagues regarding research and scholarly interests;
–        seeking funding where appropriate from internal and/or external sources by making submissions of suitable content and quality;
–        conducting applied and/or theoretical research and scholarly pursuits to their discipline and within the Boyer Framework to improve academic, student and community standards.
–        regularly publishing research based on peer review where appropriate or other scholarly accepted practices identified in the Boyer Framework;
–        developing research and scholarly seminar programs for the Institute and broader communities.
·      RSC considers the following needs of the Institute:
–        identifying relevant research and scholarly topics which are consistent with the skills of academic staff and students, the resources of the Institute and the practices and changing needs of the community and potential funding sources;
–        mentoring junior academic staff and students research or scholarly projects, seeking funding, establishing methodology and achieving the research and scholarly outcomes and/or outputs within the budget time frames;
–        funding allocations within the Institute to fund research and scholarly pursuits as determined by Academic Board in alignment with the GLI Strategic Plan.
All research students require a supervisor for their capstone or research projects.
Student Responsibilities
The student is expected to:
·       abide by the Code of Conduct Policy;
·       meet regularly with the supervisor;
·       submit material to the supervisor within the agreed timeframes;
·       consider carefully and respectfully feedback provided by the supervisor;
·       submit the final project by the due date.
If the student wishes to discuss any concerns about progress of supervision in confidence, they may directly contact the Program Director.
Supervisor Responsibilities
The supervisor is expected to:
·       abide by the Code of Conduct Policy;
·       meet regularly with the student;
·       provide constructive and timely feedback and support to the student in all research requirements;
·       notify the Program Director if the student is not meeting expected progress goals;
·       encourage the student to present their research at a conference or in a publication;
·       mark the completed project in a timely manner.
Criteria for Supervisor
Supervisors must:
·       be employed or contracted by GLI;
·       hold a completed N+1 degree or equivalent professional qualifications;
·       be current in required professional development.
Conflict of Interest
In the event of a conflict of interest, the Program Director will intervene to provide a satisfactory solution (such as appointing an alternative supervisor).
GLI adopts the principles embodied in the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research for the attribution of authorship in research publications. Agreement should be reached between the student and supervisor concerning authorship of publications. Co-authorship is appropriate when the candidate and supervisor have both made a substantial contribution.



All staff and students

Key Stakeholder

All staff and students


The terms of reference of RSC are outlined in the Academic Board Terms of Reference Policy. The Academic Dean is responsible for:
–          coordinating research and scholarship activity of the Institute;
–          providing training in research and scholarly pursuits (as supported by Academic Board);
–          assisting researchers and scholars at the Institute in their application for grants and in the execution of their research and scholarship;
–          identifying sources for funding for research and scholarly activities from both government, community, and private agencies
–          promoting the Institute’s research and scholarly activities outside the Institute;
–          receiving from RSC and processing applications for all external research and scholarly grants and funding;
–          monitoring expenditure of internal grants and any external grants received by the Institute.
·           Subject to any prevailing budgetary constraints, the Institute shall make available funds for research and scholarly activities including support teams, early career researchers, students, and individual researchers.
·           These funds will support a postgraduate research scholarship program for staff and students.
·           Guidelines for internal research and scholarly funding programs will be reviewed by RSC annually. The program guidelines will include:
–             objectives of the program;
–             timetable for the program;
–             eligibility of applicants;
–             membership of the review panel;
–             selection criteria and procedures.
1.         Prior to unit enrolment, the student is to approach a possible GLI supervisor based on the research topic and the supervisor’s area of expertise.
2.         Supervision arrangements for research projects are confirmed by the Program Director.


1.    All proposed human research must be approved by RSC prior to the commencement of the research.
2.    Any complaints by participants in the research should be addressed to the Program Director.
3.    Complaints by researchers in relation to RSC will abide by Student Grievance and Appeals Policy or Staff Grievance Policy.
4.    Ethical misconduct should be reported to the Academic Dean or delegated representative which, upon investigation may result in approval for the research to be withdrawn. Illegal activities in the context of research must be reported to the police.
5.    Any alleged academic misconduct in research or in a research publication must be reported to the Academic Dean or delegated representative who will address the allegation according to the Academic Integrity Policy.

Fact Box

Owner : Academic Dean

Approval Body : Academic Board

Endorsement Body : Academic Board


Professor Grant Pitman

Professor Grant Pitman is the president of the Global Leadership Institute. He has held senior leadership roles in government such as Chief Superintendent of Police and Director of Strategic Planning ICT in the Queensland Police Service;

  • Varied list of contributions to law enforcement, including disaster management, auditing and finance, organizational reform, education and human resources, and policy development
  • National, state, and regional levels of professional service, including the Ipswich Economic Forum, the Brisbane Airport Emergency Planning Committee, the National Emergency Communications Working Group, the National Police Drug and Alcohol Task Force, and the Police Education Advisory Council.

He has a Ph.D. and Master of Administration from Griffith University. He is a well-versed researcher and has published numerous articles and journals.


Professor Shane Doyle

Shane was previously a sworn member of the Queensland Police Service (QPS). During the later part of his career, Shane performed the role of police Inspector for 15 years. Shane’s operational experience includes investigations, general duties, regional duty Inspector and district Inspector,


Professor Geoff Dean

Professor Geoff Dean is the Managing Director of VP Consulting and Adjunct Professor at Griffith University with expertise in policing, security and terrorism studies.


Dr. Jason Hartley

Jason Hartley is lecturer in criminology at Griffith University in Brisbane, Australia. Jason is a former police officer with 23 years of experience, and has trained personnel for deployment in Timor Leste, the Solomon Islands, Iraq and Afghanistan. Jason specializes in, and has published on engagement with Muslim communities, Indigenous Polynesian approaches to rehabilitation and reducing recidivism, and Asian Organised Crime. Jason also completed a community internship in Hebron on the West Bank.


Simone Fulcher

Simone Fulcher is the Campus Manager at Global Leadership Institute responsible for managing the day-to-day operations for the campus. Simone has previously worked in the education sector for over 5 years where she has enjoyed helping young minds realise their potential. Simone also has a history of volunteer work assisting various communities in improving their quality of life in places such as New South Wales, Guam, and Palau. Simone still enjoys volunteering, currently organising events for young adults in Southeast Queensland and helping them form connections their fields of interest.


Research and Scholarship Policy

This policy outlines Global Leadership Institute’s (GLI) commitment to effective, relevant, and contemporary teaching content by academic staff who are current in their disciplines. It also explains the responsibilities of research students and supervisors.
Boyer Framework: scholarship of discovery, integration, application, and teaching.
Research: systematic and rigorous investigation aimed at the discovery of previously unknown phenomena, the development of explanatory theory and its application to new situations or problems, and the construction of original works of significant intellectual merit.
Scholarship: analysis and interpretation of existing knowledge aimed at improving, through publications, teaching or by other means of communication, the depth of human understanding.
Human research: research about people, including surveys, interviews, observations, testing, accessing personal data or collecting human tissue.
GLI is committed to:
·      training leaders, researchers and organisational improvers in their communities;
·      developing potential future academic staff;
·      offering effective and substantial postgraduate programs and research opportunities for both students and staff;
·      ensuring research adheres to the Code of Conduct Policy and First Nations People’s Education Policy;
·      ensuring that human research minimises any risk of harm and participants are informed of the potential risks and benefits;
·      ensuring all participants in human research participate voluntarily and confidentially;
·      ensuring that human research with children under 18 years old is conducted with the approval of the participants and with the approval of their guardians;
·      ensuring human research demonstrates respect for the welfare, beliefs, cultures and heritage of those involved;
·      ensuring that human research is approved by Research and Scholarship Committee (RSC).
·      RSC is a subcommittee of Academic Board whose primary purpose is the creation of a research and scholarship culture that supports productive outputs and outcomes.
·      RSC establishes, implements and periodically reviews policies which encourage academic staff and students to explore research and scholarly interests including:
–        dialoguing with colleagues regarding research and scholarly interests;
–        seeking funding where appropriate from internal and/or external sources by making submissions of suitable content and quality;
–        conducting applied and/or theoretical research and scholarly pursuits to their discipline and within the Boyer Framework to improve academic, student and community standards.
–        regularly publishing research based on peer review where appropriate or other scholarly accepted practices identified in the Boyer Framework;
–        developing research and scholarly seminar programs for the Institute and broader communities.
·      RSC considers the following needs of the Institute:
–        identifying relevant research and scholarly topics which are consistent with the skills of academic staff and students, the resources of the Institute and the practices and changing needs of the community and potential funding sources;
–        mentoring junior academic staff and students research or scholarly projects, seeking funding, establishing methodology and achieving the research and scholarly outcomes and/or outputs within the budget time frames;
–        funding allocations within the Institute to fund research and scholarly pursuits as determined by Academic Board in alignment with the GLI Strategic Plan.
All research students require a supervisor for their capstone or research projects.
Student Responsibilities
The student is expected to:
·       abide by the Code of Conduct Policy;
·       meet regularly with the supervisor;
·       submit material to the supervisor within the agreed timeframes;
·       consider carefully and respectfully feedback provided by the supervisor;
·       submit the final project by the due date.
If the student wishes to discuss any concerns about progress of supervision in confidence, they may directly contact the Program Director.
Supervisor Responsibilities
The supervisor is expected to:
·       abide by the Code of Conduct Policy;
·       meet regularly with the student;
·       provide constructive and timely feedback and support to the student in all research requirements;
·       notify the Program Director if the student is not meeting expected progress goals;
·       encourage the student to present their research at a conference or in a publication;
·       mark the completed project in a timely manner.
Criteria for Supervisor
Supervisors must:
·       be employed or contracted by GLI;
·       hold a completed N+1 degree or equivalent professional qualifications;
·       be current in required professional development.
Conflict of Interest
In the event of a conflict of interest, the Program Director will intervene to provide a satisfactory solution (such as appointing an alternative supervisor).
GLI adopts the principles embodied in the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research for the attribution of authorship in research publications. Agreement should be reached between the student and supervisor concerning authorship of publications. Co-authorship is appropriate when the candidate and supervisor have both made a substantial contribution.



All staff and students

Key Stakeholder

All staff and students


The terms of reference of RSC are outlined in the Academic Board Terms of Reference Policy. The Academic Dean is responsible for:
–          coordinating research and scholarship activity of the Institute;
–          providing training in research and scholarly pursuits (as supported by Academic Board);
–          assisting researchers and scholars at the Institute in their application for grants and in the execution of their research and scholarship;
–          identifying sources for funding for research and scholarly activities from both government, community, and private agencies
–          promoting the Institute’s research and scholarly activities outside the Institute;
–          receiving from RSC and processing applications for all external research and scholarly grants and funding;
–          monitoring expenditure of internal grants and any external grants received by the Institute.
·           Subject to any prevailing budgetary constraints, the Institute shall make available funds for research and scholarly activities including support teams, early career researchers, students, and individual researchers.
·           These funds will support a postgraduate research scholarship program for staff and students.
·           Guidelines for internal research and scholarly funding programs will be reviewed by RSC annually. The program guidelines will include:
–             objectives of the program;
–             timetable for the program;
–             eligibility of applicants;
–             membership of the review panel;
–             selection criteria and procedures.
1.         Prior to unit enrolment, the student is to approach a possible GLI supervisor based on the research topic and the supervisor’s area of expertise.
2.         Supervision arrangements for research projects are confirmed by the Program Director.


1.    All proposed human research must be approved by RSC prior to the commencement of the research.
2.    Any complaints by participants in the research should be addressed to the Program Director.
3.    Complaints by researchers in relation to RSC will abide by Student Grievance and Appeals Policy or Staff Grievance Policy.
4.    Ethical misconduct should be reported to the Academic Dean or delegated representative which, upon investigation may result in approval for the research to be withdrawn. Illegal activities in the context of research must be reported to the police.
5.    Any alleged academic misconduct in research or in a research publication must be reported to the Academic Dean or delegated representative who will address the allegation according to the Academic Integrity Policy.