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for everyone


Progression and Exclusion Policy

This policy articulates the approaches adopted by Global Leadership Institute (GLI) to support all students to maintain sound/satisfactory academic progress and to identify those students who require additional academic support. In addition, it details the rules for meeting course progression requirements and defines the grounds for exclusion of a student due to lack of satisfactory academic standards.
Academic progress is affected by many factors. As a result, GLI adopts the following principles to reduce the risks of students not being able to achieve a satisfactory level of academic progress:
·      GLI is committed to maintaining high academic standards that will translate into the GLI Graduate Attributes for all courses.
·      All students of GLI are required per the academic quality assurance of the Institute to maintain a satisfactory level of academic performance to be allowed to continue to enrol in a course.
·      Students who do not maintain a satisfactory level of academic performance will be given all the necessary support, and in some cases, given special attention if they have special needs that hinder their academic performance.
·      Student who continue to perform poorly despite all the support may have their enrolment cancelled or excluded from the course entirely.
·      GLI will act fairly when making decisions about student’s performance and academic progress, including providing students with clear and timely information about any unsatisfactory progress and conditions.
·      Program Directors have the responsibility to monitor the progress of students in their enrolled courses or units.
Satisfactory Academic progress: demonstrated by the grades achieved for the units in which a student is enrolled. GLI policy is that a student must complete successfully more than 50% of the credit points in which they are enrolled to be considered as making satisfactory academic progress.
Unsatisfactory Academic Performance: when a student fails to complete successfully more than 50% of the credit points in which they are enrolled.
Conditional Enrolment for Unsatisfactory Academic Performance: sanction for students whose academic performance is unsatisfactory. Placement on conditional enrolment limits the number of units that a student may enrol in. Students must consult with the Program Director to determine the reduced study load to be carried during the period of Conditional Enrolment.
Suspension for Unsatisfactory Academic Performance: refers to student from attendance within a course for a specified period. At the conclusion of the period of suspension, the student has automatic right of resumption of study in their course. During a period of suspension, a student’s enrolment will be terminated, and the student will not be entitled to have access to Institute premises, facilities, or resources.
Exclusion for Unsatisfactory Academic Performance: student may be excluded from a unit for unsatisfactory academic performance if they fail the same unit three times. An excluded student’s enrolment is cancelled, and they are precluded from any re-enrolment during the period of exclusion, which will not exceed 24 months. At the expiration of a period of exclusion, the student does not have automatic right of re-admission to the course and must apply for re-admission. During a period of exclusion, a student’s enrolment will be terminated, and the student will not be entitled to have access to Institute premises or facilities. 



All students

Key Stakeholder

All staff and students


Maximum time to complete a course  
Students must meet the completion requirements of a course within a prescribed period from the date of first enrolment to ensure that the qualification awarded reflects currency of knowledge and skill. The maximum time allowed to complete the requirements of a course are listed in the table below. The time elapsed will be calculated from the date that student commenced their first term.
Course                                Maximum Time for Students to Complete  
Graduate Certificate        1 year
Graduate Diploma            2 years
Master’s Degree               3 years
Recording and assessing course progress requirements
GLI monitors the course progress of all students through the development of a Progression and Completion Rates report by a Program Director which is presented quarterly at the Learning, Teaching and Curriculum Committee and an overview report presented at Academic Board.
Further in consultation with the Academic Dean, the Registrar monitors student course progress and enrolment load to plan unit timetabling, and to ensure international students are meeting their visa requirements.
Where the Program Director identifies that a student is at risk of not completing the course within the maximum time allowed, the Program Director will intervene with the student in an academic advisory session. In that session the Program Director will develop with the student a study plan that will enable the student to either complete their studies within the prescribed time or complete the course in an extended period.
Where an international student is at risk of failing to meet their visa requirements, the Registrar will follow the procedures specified in Deferment, Suspension and Cancellation Policy.
Applications for an extension of time (Domestic and International Students)
Students who fail to complete within the prescribed period or that are at risk of not completing the course within the prescribed time, and who can reasonably be expected to meet the course requirements within two additional terms may apply for an extension of time. Each application will be considered on its merit and with reference to the student’s academic performance to date.
Applications for an extension of time to complete the course must be made in writing to the Program Director at least one term prior to the expiry of the student’s prescribed maximum time to complete. The application must include reasons for the student’s inability to complete the qualification in the prescribed period. The Program Director will provide a written response to the student within twenty working days outlining their decision and informing the student of their right to appeal the decision.
Students who fail to complete the course requirements within the specified time limit (including any extension of time granted) will have their enrolment terminated and a statement noting that ‘the maximum time to complete the course has been exceeded’ will appear on the final Record of Results issued to the student. The student will be advised in writing of the decision to terminate their enrolment and will also be advised that they have twenty working days from receiving notification of the decision to terminate their enrolment to appeal the decision.
Requirement to attain minimum academic standards
Students are required to attain the following minimum academic standards to be deemed to be maintaining satisfactory academic progress in a course:
·      Satisfactory performance in formative assessment in units; or/and
·      Satisfactory academic literacy and English Language proficiency in submitted unit assessments; or/and
·      Not more than two failures in a unit; or
·      Not fail 50% or more of the units that make up a course of study.
Program Directors monitor the academic performance of each student against the minimum academic standards throughout the term and at the end of each term. Where a student has failed to meet the minimum academic standards the Program Director will deem that student as being ‘at risk’.
Students are further expected to conduct themselves in their academic studies honestly and ethically and to carefully acknowledge the work of others in all their academic activities. Failure to meet this expectation may constitute academic misconduct under the Student Academic Integrity Policy.
Formative assessments mean of identifying students at risk
Academic performance monitoring is operationalised through formative assessments throughout the course. These assessments to assure the educators that students are appropriately engaged in the units and to gauge whether students are meeting appropriate academic standards.
The first of this formative assessment is usually submitted and marked prior to census date. The remaining formative assessments are spread across the semester to enable continuous monitoring of student engagement.
If after marking a formative assessment an educator believes that a student is at risk academically then they will immediately notify the Program Director.
Review process for students deemed to be ‘at risk’
Once the Program Director has been notified by an educator that a student may be at risk academically, they will contact the student and arrange an appointment as soon as possible for an academic advisory session.
During the academic advisory session, the Program Director and the student will determine what additional support will be provided and an intervention strategy will be put into place. The student will also be advised of the possibility that conditions may be placed on their enrolment if they do not meet academic standards.
International students will also be advised of the possibility that may be in contravention of their visa conditions if they do not meet academic standards.
When advising students at risk, specific consideration will be given to First Nations students to support them to progress and complete their course.
A record of the academic advisory session will be signed by the advisor and the student and placed on the student’s file.
Students who continue to fail to meet minimum academic standards
If a student continues to fail to meet minimum academic standards after an intervention strategy has been put into place, the Program Director will request that the student provide a written statement within 20 working days outlining reasons why they should not be permitted to continue their enrolment in the course.
A student who does not submit a written statement by the due date shall have their enrolment terminated.
The Program Director shall consider the written statement and may:
(a)  Terminate the student’s enrolment; or
(b) Permit the student to continue with or without specific conditions.
The Program Director will provide a written statement to the student within 20 working days outlining their decision and informing the student of their right to appeal the decision.
A student who is permitted to continue their enrolment in the course, but with conditions imposed, who again fails to attain the minimum academic standards or breaches the conditions imposed, will have their enrolment terminated due to unsatisfactory academic progress.
Consequences of termination of enrolment
Students whose enrolment is terminated due to unsatisfactory academic progress or exceeding the maximum time to complete the course and who wish to undertake further study will need to apply to the Institute for re-admission in line with the Student Admission Policy.
Academic Literacy and English Language Proficiency
GLI is responsible for ensuring students are sufficiently competent in the English Language to participate effectively in their studies based on Student Admissions Policy.
‘Academic Literacy’ refers to the capacity of a student to undertake formal study and to understand and communicate discipline-specific knowledge.
‘English Language proficiency’ refers to the student’s ability to understand and communicate knowledge effectively in both written and spoken English.
If the Unit Coordinator deems that the outcomes for these formative assessments are unsatisfactory due to poor academic literacy and English language proficiency, then the student will identified as at risk ‘and referred to the Program Director for a more comprehensive assessment.
Following the assessment, the Program Director will put in place an intervention strategy to assist the student to enhance their academic literacy and English Language proficiency skills.
Failing a prerequisite unit
Normal course requirements progression rules require that a student who has not passed a prerequisite for entry to a specific subject cannot be enrolled in that subject. However, where a student believes that this rule adversely affects their course progress, the student may seek a review of this rule by writing to the Program Director. The Program Director will assess the student’s academic and admission records and, if the Program Director believes the student has a capacity to be successful, they may allow the student to repeat the prerequisite unit concurrently with the unit for which it is a prerequisite.
International Students
International students are expected to complete their course in the standard number of weeks for a student undertaking a full-time load (the registered CRICOS course duration) less any time for credit granted by the Institute. This period is noted on the student’s CoE and in the Letter of Offer and Student Agreement
Monitoring international students ‘enrolment load and academic progress, follows the procedures outlined above.
In developing and intervention strategy, the Program Director may extend the duration of an international student’s visa where it is clear the student will not complete the course within the expected duration, as specified on the student’s CoE, as the result of:
(a)  Compassionate or compelling circumstances (e.g. illness where a medical certificate states that the student was unable to attend classes); and/or
(b) An intervention strategy being implemented for students who are at risk or not meeting minimum academic standards.
Where an international student has failed to meet minimum standards, on the advice of the Program Director, the Academic Dean may consider a reduction in their study load as part of an intervention strategy.
Following an intervention strategy being put in place, if an international student fails to meet the minimum academic standards in a second consecutive term, the Program Director will advise the student in writing of the intention to report the student for not achieving satisfactory academic progress. The student will be advised that they should seek advice from the Department of Home Affairs on the potential impact on their student visa if they are reported for failure to meet minimum academic standards. The student will also be advised that they have 20 working days to access the Institute’s grievance handling process.
The student has the right to continue their studies in the course during the period for lodging a grievance or appeal or during its consideration. After all grievance and appeals processes are finalized, or if the student has chosen not to access the grievance handling process within 20 working days, the student’s enrolment will be formally cancelled, and the Institute will report the student through PRISMS.
Review of Decision
A student may request a review of decision under this policy and procedure. The grounds for a review are that the decision is inconsistent with this policy. Request for review must be made in writing and lodged with the Academic Dean within ten working days of the student receiving written notification of the decision. The Academic Dean will respond in writing to the request within 20 working days and may confirm or vary the decision.
If a student remains dissatisfied with the outcome of their request for a review, they may utilise the Institute’s Student Grievance and Appeals Policy.

Fact Box

Owner : Registrar

Approval Body : Academic Board

Endorsement Body : Academic Board


Professor Grant Pitman

Professor Grant Pitman is the president of the Global Leadership Institute. He has held senior leadership roles in government such as Chief Superintendent of Police and Director of Strategic Planning ICT in the Queensland Police Service;

  • Varied list of contributions to law enforcement, including disaster management, auditing and finance, organizational reform, education and human resources, and policy development
  • National, state, and regional levels of professional service, including the Ipswich Economic Forum, the Brisbane Airport Emergency Planning Committee, the National Emergency Communications Working Group, the National Police Drug and Alcohol Task Force, and the Police Education Advisory Council.

He has a Ph.D. and Master of Administration from Griffith University. He is a well-versed researcher and has published numerous articles and journals.


Professor Shane Doyle

Shane was previously a sworn member of the Queensland Police Service (QPS). During the later part of his career, Shane performed the role of police Inspector for 15 years. Shane’s operational experience includes investigations, general duties, regional duty Inspector and district Inspector,


Professor Geoff Dean

Professor Geoff Dean is the Managing Director of VP Consulting and Adjunct Professor at Griffith University with expertise in policing, security and terrorism studies.


Dr. Jason Hartley

Jason Hartley is lecturer in criminology at Griffith University in Brisbane, Australia. Jason is a former police officer with 23 years of experience, and has trained personnel for deployment in Timor Leste, the Solomon Islands, Iraq and Afghanistan. Jason specializes in, and has published on engagement with Muslim communities, Indigenous Polynesian approaches to rehabilitation and reducing recidivism, and Asian Organised Crime. Jason also completed a community internship in Hebron on the West Bank.


Simone Fulcher

Simone Fulcher is the Campus Manager at Global Leadership Institute responsible for managing the day-to-day operations for the campus. Simone has previously worked in the education sector for over 5 years where she has enjoyed helping young minds realise their potential. Simone also has a history of volunteer work assisting various communities in improving their quality of life in places such as New South Wales, Guam, and Palau. Simone still enjoys volunteering, currently organising events for young adults in Southeast Queensland and helping them form connections their fields of interest.


Progression and Exclusion Policy

This policy articulates the approaches adopted by Global Leadership Institute (GLI) to support all students to maintain sound/satisfactory academic progress and to identify those students who require additional academic support. In addition, it details the rules for meeting course progression requirements and defines the grounds for exclusion of a student due to lack of satisfactory academic standards.
Academic progress is affected by many factors. As a result, GLI adopts the following principles to reduce the risks of students not being able to achieve a satisfactory level of academic progress:
·      GLI is committed to maintaining high academic standards that will translate into the GLI Graduate Attributes for all courses.
·      All students of GLI are required per the academic quality assurance of the Institute to maintain a satisfactory level of academic performance to be allowed to continue to enrol in a course.
·      Students who do not maintain a satisfactory level of academic performance will be given all the necessary support, and in some cases, given special attention if they have special needs that hinder their academic performance.
·      Student who continue to perform poorly despite all the support may have their enrolment cancelled or excluded from the course entirely.
·      GLI will act fairly when making decisions about student’s performance and academic progress, including providing students with clear and timely information about any unsatisfactory progress and conditions.
·      Program Directors have the responsibility to monitor the progress of students in their enrolled courses or units.
Satisfactory Academic progress: demonstrated by the grades achieved for the units in which a student is enrolled. GLI policy is that a student must complete successfully more than 50% of the credit points in which they are enrolled to be considered as making satisfactory academic progress.
Unsatisfactory Academic Performance: when a student fails to complete successfully more than 50% of the credit points in which they are enrolled.
Conditional Enrolment for Unsatisfactory Academic Performance: sanction for students whose academic performance is unsatisfactory. Placement on conditional enrolment limits the number of units that a student may enrol in. Students must consult with the Program Director to determine the reduced study load to be carried during the period of Conditional Enrolment.
Suspension for Unsatisfactory Academic Performance: refers to student from attendance within a course for a specified period. At the conclusion of the period of suspension, the student has automatic right of resumption of study in their course. During a period of suspension, a student’s enrolment will be terminated, and the student will not be entitled to have access to Institute premises, facilities, or resources.
Exclusion for Unsatisfactory Academic Performance: student may be excluded from a unit for unsatisfactory academic performance if they fail the same unit three times. An excluded student’s enrolment is cancelled, and they are precluded from any re-enrolment during the period of exclusion, which will not exceed 24 months. At the expiration of a period of exclusion, the student does not have automatic right of re-admission to the course and must apply for re-admission. During a period of exclusion, a student’s enrolment will be terminated, and the student will not be entitled to have access to Institute premises or facilities. 



All students

Key Stakeholder

All staff and students


Maximum time to complete a course  
Students must meet the completion requirements of a course within a prescribed period from the date of first enrolment to ensure that the qualification awarded reflects currency of knowledge and skill. The maximum time allowed to complete the requirements of a course are listed in the table below. The time elapsed will be calculated from the date that student commenced their first term.
Course                                Maximum Time for Students to Complete  
Graduate Certificate        1 year
Graduate Diploma            2 years
Master’s Degree               3 years
Recording and assessing course progress requirements
GLI monitors the course progress of all students through the development of a Progression and Completion Rates report by a Program Director which is presented quarterly at the Learning, Teaching and Curriculum Committee and an overview report presented at Academic Board.
Further in consultation with the Academic Dean, the Registrar monitors student course progress and enrolment load to plan unit timetabling, and to ensure international students are meeting their visa requirements.
Where the Program Director identifies that a student is at risk of not completing the course within the maximum time allowed, the Program Director will intervene with the student in an academic advisory session. In that session the Program Director will develop with the student a study plan that will enable the student to either complete their studies within the prescribed time or complete the course in an extended period.
Where an international student is at risk of failing to meet their visa requirements, the Registrar will follow the procedures specified in Deferment, Suspension and Cancellation Policy.
Applications for an extension of time (Domestic and International Students)
Students who fail to complete within the prescribed period or that are at risk of not completing the course within the prescribed time, and who can reasonably be expected to meet the course requirements within two additional terms may apply for an extension of time. Each application will be considered on its merit and with reference to the student’s academic performance to date.
Applications for an extension of time to complete the course must be made in writing to the Program Director at least one term prior to the expiry of the student’s prescribed maximum time to complete. The application must include reasons for the student’s inability to complete the qualification in the prescribed period. The Program Director will provide a written response to the student within twenty working days outlining their decision and informing the student of their right to appeal the decision.
Students who fail to complete the course requirements within the specified time limit (including any extension of time granted) will have their enrolment terminated and a statement noting that ‘the maximum time to complete the course has been exceeded’ will appear on the final Record of Results issued to the student. The student will be advised in writing of the decision to terminate their enrolment and will also be advised that they have twenty working days from receiving notification of the decision to terminate their enrolment to appeal the decision.
Requirement to attain minimum academic standards
Students are required to attain the following minimum academic standards to be deemed to be maintaining satisfactory academic progress in a course:
·      Satisfactory performance in formative assessment in units; or/and
·      Satisfactory academic literacy and English Language proficiency in submitted unit assessments; or/and
·      Not more than two failures in a unit; or
·      Not fail 50% or more of the units that make up a course of study.
Program Directors monitor the academic performance of each student against the minimum academic standards throughout the term and at the end of each term. Where a student has failed to meet the minimum academic standards the Program Director will deem that student as being ‘at risk’.
Students are further expected to conduct themselves in their academic studies honestly and ethically and to carefully acknowledge the work of others in all their academic activities. Failure to meet this expectation may constitute academic misconduct under the Student Academic Integrity Policy.
Formative assessments mean of identifying students at risk
Academic performance monitoring is operationalised through formative assessments throughout the course. These assessments to assure the educators that students are appropriately engaged in the units and to gauge whether students are meeting appropriate academic standards.
The first of this formative assessment is usually submitted and marked prior to census date. The remaining formative assessments are spread across the semester to enable continuous monitoring of student engagement.
If after marking a formative assessment an educator believes that a student is at risk academically then they will immediately notify the Program Director.
Review process for students deemed to be ‘at risk’
Once the Program Director has been notified by an educator that a student may be at risk academically, they will contact the student and arrange an appointment as soon as possible for an academic advisory session.
During the academic advisory session, the Program Director and the student will determine what additional support will be provided and an intervention strategy will be put into place. The student will also be advised of the possibility that conditions may be placed on their enrolment if they do not meet academic standards.
International students will also be advised of the possibility that may be in contravention of their visa conditions if they do not meet academic standards.
When advising students at risk, specific consideration will be given to First Nations students to support them to progress and complete their course.
A record of the academic advisory session will be signed by the advisor and the student and placed on the student’s file.
Students who continue to fail to meet minimum academic standards
If a student continues to fail to meet minimum academic standards after an intervention strategy has been put into place, the Program Director will request that the student provide a written statement within 20 working days outlining reasons why they should not be permitted to continue their enrolment in the course.
A student who does not submit a written statement by the due date shall have their enrolment terminated.
The Program Director shall consider the written statement and may:
(a)  Terminate the student’s enrolment; or
(b) Permit the student to continue with or without specific conditions.
The Program Director will provide a written statement to the student within 20 working days outlining their decision and informing the student of their right to appeal the decision.
A student who is permitted to continue their enrolment in the course, but with conditions imposed, who again fails to attain the minimum academic standards or breaches the conditions imposed, will have their enrolment terminated due to unsatisfactory academic progress.
Consequences of termination of enrolment
Students whose enrolment is terminated due to unsatisfactory academic progress or exceeding the maximum time to complete the course and who wish to undertake further study will need to apply to the Institute for re-admission in line with the Student Admission Policy.
Academic Literacy and English Language Proficiency
GLI is responsible for ensuring students are sufficiently competent in the English Language to participate effectively in their studies based on Student Admissions Policy.
‘Academic Literacy’ refers to the capacity of a student to undertake formal study and to understand and communicate discipline-specific knowledge.
‘English Language proficiency’ refers to the student’s ability to understand and communicate knowledge effectively in both written and spoken English.
If the Unit Coordinator deems that the outcomes for these formative assessments are unsatisfactory due to poor academic literacy and English language proficiency, then the student will identified as at risk ‘and referred to the Program Director for a more comprehensive assessment.
Following the assessment, the Program Director will put in place an intervention strategy to assist the student to enhance their academic literacy and English Language proficiency skills.
Failing a prerequisite unit
Normal course requirements progression rules require that a student who has not passed a prerequisite for entry to a specific subject cannot be enrolled in that subject. However, where a student believes that this rule adversely affects their course progress, the student may seek a review of this rule by writing to the Program Director. The Program Director will assess the student’s academic and admission records and, if the Program Director believes the student has a capacity to be successful, they may allow the student to repeat the prerequisite unit concurrently with the unit for which it is a prerequisite.
International Students
International students are expected to complete their course in the standard number of weeks for a student undertaking a full-time load (the registered CRICOS course duration) less any time for credit granted by the Institute. This period is noted on the student’s CoE and in the Letter of Offer and Student Agreement
Monitoring international students ‘enrolment load and academic progress, follows the procedures outlined above.
In developing and intervention strategy, the Program Director may extend the duration of an international student’s visa where it is clear the student will not complete the course within the expected duration, as specified on the student’s CoE, as the result of:
(a)  Compassionate or compelling circumstances (e.g. illness where a medical certificate states that the student was unable to attend classes); and/or
(b) An intervention strategy being implemented for students who are at risk or not meeting minimum academic standards.
Where an international student has failed to meet minimum standards, on the advice of the Program Director, the Academic Dean may consider a reduction in their study load as part of an intervention strategy.
Following an intervention strategy being put in place, if an international student fails to meet the minimum academic standards in a second consecutive term, the Program Director will advise the student in writing of the intention to report the student for not achieving satisfactory academic progress. The student will be advised that they should seek advice from the Department of Home Affairs on the potential impact on their student visa if they are reported for failure to meet minimum academic standards. The student will also be advised that they have 20 working days to access the Institute’s grievance handling process.
The student has the right to continue their studies in the course during the period for lodging a grievance or appeal or during its consideration. After all grievance and appeals processes are finalized, or if the student has chosen not to access the grievance handling process within 20 working days, the student’s enrolment will be formally cancelled, and the Institute will report the student through PRISMS.
Review of Decision
A student may request a review of decision under this policy and procedure. The grounds for a review are that the decision is inconsistent with this policy. Request for review must be made in writing and lodged with the Academic Dean within ten working days of the student receiving written notification of the decision. The Academic Dean will respond in writing to the request within 20 working days and may confirm or vary the decision.
If a student remains dissatisfied with the outcome of their request for a review, they may utilise the Institute’s Student Grievance and Appeals Policy.