The policy set outs Global Leadership Institute’s (GLI) commitment to the health, safety, and wellbeing of the GLI community.
GLI is committed to ensuring that:
· the health, safety, and wellbeing of students, staff, associates, visitors, and contractors are not compromised in any way;
· responsibilities for health, safety, and wellbeing are clearly defined throughout all levels of the organisation;
· health, safety, and wellbeing are integrated into planning, monitoring, and reporting activities within management structures, including utilising internal and/or external expertise when required;
· effective consultation and communication of health, safety, and wellbeing issues includes the involvement of all members of the GLI community;
· identification systems and control of workplace hazards and compliance adheres to regulatory requirements;
· the design, construction, and maintenance of buildings, and the purchase and maintenance of materials and equipment, comply with legal requirements and take into consideration the health, safety, and wellbeing of the GLI community;
· the provision of information, instruction, training, and supervision allows all those in the GLI community to perform their work in as safe a manner as possible;
· students studying online are made aware of health, safety, and wellbeing guidelines and are encouraged to adhere to them;
· advice and information on personal safety and the safety of GLI and personal property is clear and accessible;
· support is provided for those whose health has been affected by the workplace;
· adequate systems and resources are provided to manage potential emergency situations and testing and review of such systems is conducted on a regular basis;
· the allocation of resources to develop and support the health, wellbeing, and safety management systems of GLI.
· GLI integrates health, wellbeing, and safety issues into management systems, risk management framework, activities, and strategic objectives. This includes:
– consulting with staff and students on health, safety, and wellbeing matters and maintaining representative and consultative processes within existing administrative structures;
– maintaining a risk register and risk management programs that are consistent with Risk Management Policy and ensure so far as is reasonably practicable the health and safety hazards are identified and addressed, injuries and incidents are reported and investigated and emergency plans and responses are managed appropriately.
– supporting and promoting a safe learning and work environment by facilitating active participation in health, safety, and wellbeing initiatives, enhancing staff and student awareness and knowledge of health, safety, and wellbeing practices, encouraging the use of student and staff support services, and making reasonable adjustments for staff and students experiencing health, wellbeing and safety issues.
– Student Support staff with work-related illnesses and injuries to return to work as soon as reasonable using return-to-work planning processes.
Health: a state of physical, mental, and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
Hazard: a situation that has the potential to cause injury or illness, harm to health and/or danger to property or the environment.
GLI Community: all staff, contractors engaged by GLI, students and visitors to GLI premises.
Safety: the control of recognized hazards to achieve an acceptable level of risk.
Well-being: at work and study wellbeing is characterised by both physical and mental health, constructive and engaging relationships, work satisfaction and work-life balance.
Workplace: any location where GLI activities of staff and students occur and includes field locations, overseas travel locations, work placements and all external spaces.
GLI is committed to ensuring the health, safety, and wellbeing of GLI’s online environment by informing students and staff during orientation and induction activities, on MoodleTM, and through other communications that they should:
· never share their passwords with anyone;
· carefully consider the type and amount of personal information they share online;
· exercise caution when meeting anyone face-to-face whom they only know online. This includes meeting in public places or accompanied by someone else they know is recommended;
· minimise the risk of inappropriate contact using GLI email addresses, report unauthorised communication, and block unknown email addresses;
· understand that GLI has a no tolerance stance against image-based abuse, cyberbullying, harassment, or other types of inappropriate behaviour online;
· not to respond to cyber bullies;
· never try to seek revenge on a cyber bully;
· report any incidents of cyber bullying through the Student Grievance and Appeals Policy processes;
· keep a record of cyber bullying incidents and provide this evidence with the incident report.
GLI is responsible for:
· encourages those in the GLI community to be familiar with the Australian governments
eSafety website which has reliable information and guidance about how to stay safe online;
· utilising safe, private, and secure software, online products, and collaboration tools;
· conducting risk assessments prior to using any platform or technology;
· adhering to the Student Grievances and Appeals Policy and Staff Grievance Policy regarding reports of inappropriate online behaviour.
· All persons who have a responsibility for the management of others are accountable for the health, safety, and security standards of the work environment and for the health, safety and security of all staff, students, contractors, and visitors under their control.
· Health, safety, and security are shared responsibilities and all members of the GLI community must co-operate to ensure a high standard of health, safety and security is maintained for all people within the workplace.
· GLI prohibits smoking in its premises, within three metres of building entrances and vehicles. If breached, disciplinary action may be taken against the staff member.
Whole Institute
Key Stakeholder
All staff, students, visitors and contrac
· The President will exercise due diligence in ensuring, promoting, and improving the health, safety, and wellbeing of the GLI community.
· Executive Management Team will monitor and ensure that health, safety, and wellbeing measures are enforced.
· Academic and Administrative Staff management will:
o manage the operational health, safety, and wellbeing issues affecting areas under their control.
o develop and implement annual health, safety, and wellbeing programs.
o initiate and/or lead early intervention and prevention programs and actions.
· All staff will:
o ensure that they are familiar with this policy and the requirements of occupational workplace and safety standards;
o comply with this policy while completing work-related duties;
o take reasonable care with their own health, safety, and wellbeing;
o take reasonable care for the health, safety, and wellbeing of persons who may be affected by their actions within their workplace;
o support the return to work of staff with work related illnesses or injuries.
The effectiveness of the policy and associated programs will be reviewed through:
· feedback from staff and student surveys annually;
· reviews by the Risk Management Committee annually of any issues identified in the risk register and risk programs;
· feedback to the President, Executive Management Team, and associated meetings where students and staff representatives identify wellbeing or safety issues needing to be addressed.
· The Institute aims to provide all staff and student with a healthy, safe place in which to work and study. To achieve this, GLI makes every effort in the areas of accident prevention, hazard control, and health preservation and promotion, to ensure compliance with the Work Health & Safety Act 2000 and Work Health and Safety Act 2011.
· The Institute will set up a program of activities and procedures which will be continually reviewed and effectively carried out. This program relates to all aspects of work health and safety including:
i) WH&S training and education;
ii) review of work design, workplace design and standard work methods;
i) changes to work methods and practice, including those associated with technological change.
ii) safety rules, including penalties.
iii) emergency procedures and drills.
iv) provision of WH&S equipment, services, and facilities.
v) workplace inspections and evaluations.
vi) reporting and recording of incidents, accidents, injuries, and illnesses; and
vii) provision of information to staff and students.
· While the Institute will ensure that its premises meet the Australian Work Health and Safety guidelines, staff and students must take all practicable steps to ensure their own safety while at our premises.
· Accidents, incidents, or hazards occurring within the premises must be reported to the Institute management team. And an accident/Injury/Incident report must also be submitted.
· Emergencies and Evacuation: The Institute will conduct frequent fire drills. Nevertheless, all staff and students located at the premises must take note of the following:
i) In the event where the premises need to be evacuated, staff and students who are not in class sessions must follow the instructions from Safety Wardens or authorized personnel.
ii) In the event of an emergency where the staff and students are in class, they must follow the procedures as instructed by the Safety Wardens.
iii) Staff and students refusing to abide by the Institute’s emergencies and evacuation procedures will be regarded as misbehaviour and subjected to disciplinary action in accordance with the Code of Conduct Policy.
a) The Institute will meet its obligations under relevant legislation, including the Work Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations. GLI has qualified First Aid officers and facilities in place for the urgent treatment of any illnesses and injuries in the workplace.
b) The Institute is smoke free environment, including meeting rooms. This also applies to visitors.
c) The Institute does not permit using alcohol in the workplace. The use of alcohol is highly detrimental to your safety and productivity.
d) Illicit drugs are not permitted in the workplace.