Amazing Opportunities

for everyone


Discontinuation and Teach-out Policy

This policy addresses the discontinuation of an academic course offered by Global Leadership Institute (GLI). Discontinuation may occur because of changes in student demand, an alteration to strategic positioning in a particular market or a major course revision.
·      Enrolled students should not be unreasonably disadvantaged by the discontinuation of Institute courses and should have the opportunity to complete their course within a reasonable time frame and meet the learning outcomes of the course.
·      The quality of the course and supporting resources must be maintained to the end of the teach-out period.
·      External stakeholders involved in the delivery of the course including the provision of WIL opportunities, should be availed of the discontinuation in a timely manner.
·      Academic Board must approve the discontinuation of any academic course and prior to students being formally notified.
·      The Learning, Teaching and Curriculum Committee (LTCC) will provide to Academic Board a comprehensive teach-out plan that details the teach-out timetable, implications for student progress along with how students will be notified and subsequently counselled about their study.
·      GLI will advise students of any discontinuation in writing and ensure each student is provided with an individualised course map for the teach-out period



All courses

Key Stakeholder

All staff and students


·      The Academic Dean will submit a Discontinuation/Suspension Proposal to Academic Board for consideration with full disclosure for the proposal.
·      A proposed teach-out plan for the course must be included as part of the submission. The teach-out plan must indicate how the integrity of the course will be maintained and its objectives met during the phasing-out period.
·      Where special arrangements for students who have failed to meet the usual progress requirements of the course are required, the Program Director must indicate any special arrangements and include the number of students affected and arrangements for them to complete their course.
·      Academic Board will consider the merit of the proposed arrangements and forward its recommendation to Governing Board for their consideration.
·      If approved by Governing Board, a notification of material change and teach-out application (if required) is lodged with TEQSA.
·      The Academic Dean and Program Director will review course progression data for students enrolled in Teach-out programs at the end of each semester.
·      The Academic Dean will provide end of semester reports to Academic Board (via LTCC) on the status of the Teach-out and any impact of delayed course progress on course discontinuation and Teach-out plans.
·      The Academic Dean and Program Director will communicate regularly with students about course(s) that are in teach-out mode via email and web updates.
·      All affected students and staff will be provided with the full teach-out plan to assist with both short and long term course planning.
Students seeking to resolve a dispute or question arising under this policy must do so in accordance with the Student Grievance and Appeals Policy.

Fact Box

Owner : Academic Dean

Approval Body : Academic Board

Endorsement Body : Academic Board


Professor Grant Pitman

Professor Grant Pitman is the president of the Global Leadership Institute. He has held senior leadership roles in government such as Chief Superintendent of Police and Director of Strategic Planning ICT in the Queensland Police Service;

  • Varied list of contributions to law enforcement, including disaster management, auditing and finance, organizational reform, education and human resources, and policy development
  • National, state, and regional levels of professional service, including the Ipswich Economic Forum, the Brisbane Airport Emergency Planning Committee, the National Emergency Communications Working Group, the National Police Drug and Alcohol Task Force, and the Police Education Advisory Council.

He has a Ph.D. and Master of Administration from Griffith University. He is a well-versed researcher and has published numerous articles and journals.


Professor Shane Doyle

Shane was previously a sworn member of the Queensland Police Service (QPS). During the later part of his career, Shane performed the role of police Inspector for 15 years. Shane’s operational experience includes investigations, general duties, regional duty Inspector and district Inspector,


Professor Geoff Dean

Professor Geoff Dean is the Managing Director of VP Consulting and Adjunct Professor at Griffith University with expertise in policing, security and terrorism studies.


Dr. Jason Hartley

Jason Hartley is lecturer in criminology at Griffith University in Brisbane, Australia. Jason is a former police officer with 23 years of experience, and has trained personnel for deployment in Timor Leste, the Solomon Islands, Iraq and Afghanistan. Jason specializes in, and has published on engagement with Muslim communities, Indigenous Polynesian approaches to rehabilitation and reducing recidivism, and Asian Organised Crime. Jason also completed a community internship in Hebron on the West Bank.


Simone Fulcher

Simone Fulcher is the Campus Manager at Global Leadership Institute responsible for managing the day-to-day operations for the campus. Simone has previously worked in the education sector for over 5 years where she has enjoyed helping young minds realise their potential. Simone also has a history of volunteer work assisting various communities in improving their quality of life in places such as New South Wales, Guam, and Palau. Simone still enjoys volunteering, currently organising events for young adults in Southeast Queensland and helping them form connections their fields of interest.


Discontinuation and Teach-out Policy

This policy addresses the discontinuation of an academic course offered by Global Leadership Institute (GLI). Discontinuation may occur because of changes in student demand, an alteration to strategic positioning in a particular market or a major course revision.
·      Enrolled students should not be unreasonably disadvantaged by the discontinuation of Institute courses and should have the opportunity to complete their course within a reasonable time frame and meet the learning outcomes of the course.
·      The quality of the course and supporting resources must be maintained to the end of the teach-out period.
·      External stakeholders involved in the delivery of the course including the provision of WIL opportunities, should be availed of the discontinuation in a timely manner.
·      Academic Board must approve the discontinuation of any academic course and prior to students being formally notified.
·      The Learning, Teaching and Curriculum Committee (LTCC) will provide to Academic Board a comprehensive teach-out plan that details the teach-out timetable, implications for student progress along with how students will be notified and subsequently counselled about their study.
·      GLI will advise students of any discontinuation in writing and ensure each student is provided with an individualised course map for the teach-out period



All courses

Key Stakeholder

All staff and students


·      The Academic Dean will submit a Discontinuation/Suspension Proposal to Academic Board for consideration with full disclosure for the proposal.
·      A proposed teach-out plan for the course must be included as part of the submission. The teach-out plan must indicate how the integrity of the course will be maintained and its objectives met during the phasing-out period.
·      Where special arrangements for students who have failed to meet the usual progress requirements of the course are required, the Program Director must indicate any special arrangements and include the number of students affected and arrangements for them to complete their course.
·      Academic Board will consider the merit of the proposed arrangements and forward its recommendation to Governing Board for their consideration.
·      If approved by Governing Board, a notification of material change and teach-out application (if required) is lodged with TEQSA.
·      The Academic Dean and Program Director will review course progression data for students enrolled in Teach-out programs at the end of each semester.
·      The Academic Dean will provide end of semester reports to Academic Board (via LTCC) on the status of the Teach-out and any impact of delayed course progress on course discontinuation and Teach-out plans.
·      The Academic Dean and Program Director will communicate regularly with students about course(s) that are in teach-out mode via email and web updates.
·      All affected students and staff will be provided with the full teach-out plan to assist with both short and long term course planning.
Students seeking to resolve a dispute or question arising under this policy must do so in accordance with the Student Grievance and Appeals Policy.